Business slams Greens' bill to give FWA power to make casual workers permanent

Tuesday 27 November 2012 @ 12.52 p.m. | Industrial Law

The Greens have introduced a bill into Parliament that would allow casual workers to request a move to full-time employment, with business groups slamming the proposal as unrealistic.

The bill is the latest attempt by the Greens to address what it considers to be a job security issue brought about by workforce casualisation. It points to the fact casual workers now make up 25% of the workforce, having risen dramatically in the past 30 years.

And while small businesses have been exempted from the potential effect of the bill, business groups are still irate.

In a statement last week, Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt said the bill would provide a process for an employee who is on a casual or rolling contract to request a move to secure employment.

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