TimeBase All Jurisdiction Parliamentary Sitting Calendar Updated for CTH and QLD 2017

Wednesday 11 January 2017 @ 8.54 a.m.

TimeBase' unique All Jurisdiction Parliamentary Sitting Calendar has now been updated on our homepage for the 2017 calendar year in CTH and QLD (Other jurisdictions were updated at the end of 2016).

Scroll to the bottom of our homepage at www.timebase.com.au to see the purple shading and roll over each date to see all the jurisdictions sitting.

Some new fun facts about Parliamentary Sitting Dates for 2017:

  • VIC and CTH are now the first two jurisdictions to begin sitting on 7 February 2017;
  • Still, no jurisdiction sits for more than 2 weeks at a time during the entirety of 2017; 
  • 7 jurisdictions now sit in the following two periods of time - 9-11 May 2017 and 28-30 November 2017.

We are still waiting on the Parliamentary Sitting dates for WA who go to election on 11 March 2017 (we expect to have these sometime in April or May).

Sitting Calendar downloads will also be uploaded in LawOne as soon as possible.

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