NSW Parliamentary Sitting Calendar Released After Election

Wednesday 8 April 2015 @ 10.51 a.m.

TimeBase' unique All Jurisdiction Parliamentary Sitting Calendar has now been updated on our homepage to include NSW's Parliamentary Sitting Dates for the 2015 calendar year.

Scroll to the bottom of our homepage at www.timebase.com.au to see the shading and roll over each date to see all the jurisdictions sitting.

The Parliamentary Sitting Dates are also available in the LawOne homepage for each jurisdiction in the right hand column under "Government Information."

After the NSW election on 28 March 2015, their first sitting date is not until 5 May 2015 and its final sitting day is 26 November 2015.

This means that the VIC Parliament - Both Houses remains the last jurisdiction to sit in the 2015 calendar year with a final sitting day of 10 December 2015.

See our previous post for more information on the busiest sitting days for 2015.