Finding Amendments in LawOne

Thursday 25 October 2018 @ 3.58 p.m.

We here at TimeBase know how time consuming and complex it can be to find amendments within legislation. That’s why we’ve designed our LawOne platform to make it easier and simpler to find, view and keep track of amendments across our entire database of legislation.

TimeBase top tools for finding amendments in LawOne:

Details Page

Looking for a summary of the amendments? The details page, available for every piece of legislation within our scope dates, includes a section titled ‘Amending Legislation.’ It’s here where you will find an over of the amending legislation including the title and brief summary.

To navigate to the details page simply select the key info button in the top right hand corner of the legislation page. From here, select ‘View all details.’

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At the details page, scroll down to to the heading Amending Legislation to find the titles and summaries of amending legislation, in reverse chronological order.

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Table of Amendments

Another way to locate amendments of an Act and navigate directly to the amending act itself is by using the Table of Amendments (available in LawOne for CTH, NSW, ACT, SA and NT legislation).  This is particularly helpful when it comes to searching and finding amendments to particular sections of an act.

Here’s a step-by-step example of locating an amendment to section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 [CTH]:

  1. Go to Corporations Act 2001 Key Info, select Table of Amendments.

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  2. Scroll to section 9 in the Table of Amendments

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  3. Select the last link to go to the latest amendment of section 9: No.106, 2018. Upon selection you will be redirected to the amending Act, in this case the Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced Funding for Proprietary Companies) Act 2018 [CTH].
  4. Use the contents section or side bar to navigate to the amendments by clicking on Schedule 1- Amendments and then into main amendments or other.

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Highlighted Inserts

Not only does LawOne make it easy to find amending legislation, we’ve also eliminated the tedious task of side by side comparisons of sections by simply highlighting insertions and deletions made by amendments, so you can easily differentiate these from other text in the sections.

Let’s continue with the example above for amendments made to section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 [CTH].

  1. In Part 1 - Main amendments select the Corporations Act 2001. You’ll see the amending legislation appear.

  2. The inserts and repeals made by the amending act are all highlighted in green text signalling to you that these are different from other text.

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For more training and tips on finding amendments in LawOne check out our instructional video here.