Qld Government: Abortion rights in Criminal Code are fine

Monday 11 October 2010 @ 2.55 p.m. | Legal Research

The Queensland government has denied any flaws in Queensland's criminal code which only offers legal protection for surgical abortions.

Deputy Premier and Health Minister Paul Lucas outlined on Sunday that the New Criminal Code (Medical Treatment) Bill ensured Queensland doctors were allowed the same defence for medical treatments as they are currently for surgical operations.

A young Qld couple are to stand trial tomorrow for allegedly importing abortion drugs from overseas to terminate a pregnancy. The young women could face up to seven years in prison.

This will be Queensland's first Abortion trial in 24 years.

Click here to read full artile on SMH.

Do you think the Qld Criminal Code Abortion rights are satisfactory?

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UPDATE: Qld Couple found Not Guilty! Click here to read new follow up TimeBase Blog.