State Groups attack Australian Mining Tax

Tuesday 2 November 2010 @ 8.57 a.m. | Taxation

State Groups; the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CMEWA) and the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME), have both given attacking submissions to the Policy Transition Group. (PTG).

"The submissions attacked the current position of the Australian federal government not to credit future state royalty increases against the proposed mineral resource rent tax (MRRT)" Click here to read full article.

The CME has also raised concerns about a possible “double tax”, unless the federal government guaranteed future raises in state royalties were credited under the MRRT.

Last week, SACOME criticised federal government over the possibility of a double tax, saying it is a “slap in the face” to the state’s iron-ore and coal industry.

Do you agree with the State Group's comments on the MRRT?

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