Time to review restraint clauses - are yours enforceable?

Wednesday 15 December 2010 @ 1.26 p.m. | Industrial Law

In a recent Norton Rose article, posted to the Mondaq website, a recent decision in the NSW Court of Appeal, Hanna v OAMPS Insurance Brokers Ltd [2010] NSWCA 267 has put restraint of trade clauses back on the agenda for employers by demonstrating that properly drafted restraint clauses can protect employers from former employees seeking to poach clients.

In the OAMPS case the employer succeeded in obtaining orders that prevented Mr Peter Hanna (Hanna) from canvassing, soliciting, dealing with, counselling or procuring listed clients or assisting another to do so for a period of 12 months after ceasing employment.

Click here to read the full article. What do you think of the Court's decision?

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