Declare it or ATO will get you! Project Wickenby 5 years on

Wednesday 25 May 2011 @ 11.30 a.m. | Taxation

With the combined efforts of eight government agencies, unprecedented international cooperation and increasingly sophisticated technology, the ATO’s Project Wickenby cross-agency task force is getting more and more results! 

The project began in 2006 as a means to detect tax evasion and ensure the integrity of Australia’s financial systems. Primarily, it is aimed at exposing abusive tax arrangements such as secrecy havens. These can include countries that refuse to divulge information about an individual’s financial and banking details.

With over 24 criminal investigations in progress as of March 2011, the task force continues to work hard to ensure that the majority of the community are not disadvantaged by such tax abuse schemes.

For more information, click here.

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