Casual Workers Suffer Indignities

Tuesday 12 June 2012 @ 11.03 a.m. | Industrial Law

Casual workers are battling for their rights in the wake of DB Schenker’s alleged new policy forcing all casual workers to wear armbands marked with barcodes to identify them as casual workers. Permanent staff members are not affected by this discriminatory armband policy.

The National Union of Workers (NUW) has spoken out against this requirement, labelling it a blatant attack on the dignity of casual workers. The workers are employed by a labour hire company called Manpower and are required to wear the armband at all times. Further to this, they would be required to pay for their own armbands.

DB Shenker has thus far refused to comment on its requirement. However, Manpower has released a statement to the effect that it will not require workers to pay for their own armbands.

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