Energy and Resources Point-in-Time Service Updates

Wednesday 7 June 2017 @ 12.40 p.m.

The Energy and Resources Point-in-Time Service has just been updated to include new amendments from the Natural Resources and Mines Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2017 (No. 71) (QLD).

Regulation 71 of 2017 (QLD)

The objective of the Natural Resources and Mines Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2017 is to index regulatory fees for the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. Regulatory fees are reviewed annually in accordance with government policy. Minor amendments identified by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel are also being made. This meets the policy objective to keep legislation current and consistent.

The amendments made by Regulation 71 of 2017 (QLD) are updated in the Point-in-Time Energy and Resources Service with a currency of 7 June 2017. (NB: Subscription required).

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