Gaming, Nudity and Australian Law

Friday 20 July 2012 @ 9.17 a.m. | Legal Research

The Secret World, unlike Age of Conan, does not show bare breasts. But it does in a way - on the demon succubi and the zombie broodmothers too. You can see everything there.

But what it doesn’t show is human female breasts. And nary a male nipple to be found. This oversight—of immense disappointment to roleplayers, naturally—was explained by the game’s director as being caused by the European ratings system. The naked truth in Sweden is that games for sixteen year olds can show demonic boobs, but not human knockers.

This raises the question: how will our future R18+ rating match the American and European ratings? Each ratings system is different, making the vaunted goal of being in line with the rest of the world perhaps difficult to achieve.

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