Workers harassed, bullied over social media in the workplace

Monday 4 February 2013 @ 11.40 a.m. | Industrial Law

It has been reported in, that six out of 10 Australian workers feel their privacy has been eroded by the widespread usage of social media in the workplace.

A new study by security firm AVG T surveyed 4000 adults in 10 countries, including 400 in Australia, as part of their Digital Diaries series and delved into cyber-bullying in the workplace and policies surrounding social media.

Australian adults are finding themselves to be the subject of gossip, distasteful photos and unwanted advances through social media.

The survey found 8% of Australian respondents had discovered secret discussions about themselves online had been initiated by colleagues.

One out of 10 said they have had embarrassing photos or videos taken at a work event and uploaded on to social media sites.

Some workers were reportedly a bit too cordial, with 7% of people saying they had experienced unwanted romantic advances over social media. In the United States this number rose to one in 10 respondents.

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